Saturday, May 2, 2009

Admitting We Need Each Other: Not easy, but Necessary

For those of you that know me, you know my limited capabilities as a "handyman" or a "fix-it guy". Okay, so maybe it goes beyond limited, maybe non-existent? Somehow in all my years at home, I never really picked up on my dad's skills of fixing things around the house.

A prime example of my lack of mechanical fortitude is the fact that I rejoiced at installing my second ceiling fan, and it not taking me nearly two weeks to complete like the first one. That was a combination of several ingredients: lack of patience, failure to follow the directions, and perhaps most importantly, my stubborn refusal to seek help.

Often times there will be issues that arise around the house that I have very little clue on how to fix it. Rather than follow the sound advice of my wife, I continually claim I can handle the issue on my own. Typically I either screw things up, or it takes me much more time to handle the issue than it would with the benefit of a knowledgeable partner.

You can probably already see where I'm going with this. How many times do we act like this in regards to our own personal issues in our lives? We've all got so many things going on with our jobs and careers, with our spouses, with our children, and with our own personal struggles.

It's hard to ask for help. It's hard to admit that we have any struggles or problems. Because of that pride we have, we fail to fully immerse ourselves in what God would desire for the church. Men fail to admit problems with lust, anger, or feelings of inadequacy. Women feel unable to be open with other women for fear of judgement.

We find in reading Acts 2 that the early church meet together often for fellowship and to meet each other's needs. Is that how we view church today? Do you come to church to share your burdens and to carry the burdens of others? Do we fully value the bride of Christ as our family and irreplaceable community or brothers and sisters?

There are times I'm standing in a Home Depot store helping customers with questions about certain products. Occasionally I'll walk up on someone who obivously needs assistance, yet when I ask what they need help with, they'll say "I'm okay" or "I've got it figured out." Then 15 minutes later I'll walk down the aisle and see the same person standing there with the same confused look on their face.

That look is too much like what we as Christians wear on our faces. Looks of confusion, frustration, disappointment, and even hurt. We've got to come to the realization that church isn't just a building to sing songs in once a week. Church is a community where we come together to worship, pray, and serve one another. It's where we come because we understand that life isn't meant to be lived alone. We need each other.

1 comment:

Troy McNeil said...

Good Stuff. Church is not really designed for that "bearing each others burdens" stuff anymore is it?

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